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  • Wednesday Prayer Together for Nov 18/20

       It appeared to be such a clear day when I went for my morning walk. As lunch time approached, and I looked out the window, I was surprised to see snow flurries. Weather conditions can change so suddenly and unexpectedly can’t they? It reminds me that our day to day lives can likewise have such unexpected circumstances arise. We can be going along and feel at ease thinking that our lives are quite settled and predictable. Then winds of change can take us by surprise. Sometimes the change in circumstances is a pleasant one and sometimes the unexpected events shake our faith and our confidence that we can carry on. We may wonder how we will manage. And that is when God affirms for us this truth, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5b) Over and over again we are able to experience the truth of God never abandoning us and this gives us what we need to find the strength to carry on. Some of you will know the words to this gospel song: “God has not promised skies always blue. Flower strewn pathways all our lives through. God has not promised sun without rain. Joy without sorrow. Peace without pain. But God has promised strength for the day. Rest for the labour. Light for the way. Grace for each trial. Help from above. Unfailing kindness. Undying love.” When we set aside time for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow at 1 pm, we will thank God for being the One we can turn to when the clear skies cloud over and we face hard times. God does promise to stay with us and to give the strength needed for the day. Please plan to take time to pray and to recognize that God is always available to hear and to answer our prayers.

    Our Gracious God, You do give us blue skies and sunny pathways in our lives. We thank You for these times of blessing. When we are able to enjoy the pleasure of satisfying days and time with family and friends, we are grateful. We have witnessed answers to our prayers to be kept safe and well as this Covid pandemic continues. Thank You for watching over us and those for whom we pray. We know that You will keep Your promise to never leave us or forsake us. We do not have to wonder or worry if that would ever happen because You have made that known with that single word “never.” We do not expect that we will have sun without rain; joy without sorrow; or peace without pain. But we do expect that whatever we face You will give us strength that we need because of Your certain Presence with us. You promise to give us strength for the day; rest for the labour; and light for the way. How could we find our way without You shining Your light to show us? When You shine the light, we can look around us and see evidence in the brightness that we are not alone and that You are with us. This has happened before when we have prayed and longed to be assured that You would guide and help us. Today we pray for those who do not know what it is to trust You. We pray for those who may have been raised in homes where faith was taught, but have moved away from You. We pray for those who have never known what it is to trust You. You our God are always willing to welcome those who turn to You. We affirm our trust in You. As You have provided for us before, we trust You to do this again. The thought of the long stretch of the days ahead still dealing with this Covid virus causes us to feel overwhelmed at times/ You have not left us in all the weeks that have already gone by and we have no reason to think that You would leave us now. Thank You for more hopeful news this week of advances being made with a vaccine that could deal with the rapid spread of Covid. Please continue to sustain all our health care workers. Thank You God for the ways we can keep in communication with people we care about even when we not together in person. Thank You that churches are still meeting to worship You. We focus now on what You promise and offer to us. You, Loving God provide grace for each trial; help from above; unfailing kindness, undying love. Forgive us we pray for not expecting more from You. Increase our faith and expectancy to see evidence of Your unfailing kindness and undying love. In the times that we are insisting on our way ahead, please secure what You know is best. When we aren’t noticing and thanking You for all the ways You keep Your promises, pull our attention back to You. You promise never to leave or forsake us. We pray that no matter what comes, we will never leave or forsake You. Praise You God in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

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