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  • Sunday Service – Dec 3, 2023

    ADVENT CANDLE OF HOPE – December 3, 2023.

    Today, on this first Sunday in Advent, we want to celebrate the HOPE that has come into our world because of Jesus. God’s Son, Jesus came to be “God with us.” Knowing that we are never alone because Jesus is God with us, gives us HOPE. Many people these days are searching for HOPE and some people feel without HOPE. We want to remember that HOPE is always found in Jesus being God with us. We can share this good news of Jesus being our reliable source of HOPE with everyone around us.

    When Jesus brings HOPE to us, He reminds us that He can bring HOPE when there seems to be no HOPE. We hear of many places where HOPE is needed. We can keep on praying that people will find their HOPE in Jesus. Our care for others can be an expression of God’s care for them. This can bring HOPE to those who are lonely and feeling afraid. Sometimes we wonder what we can do to make a difference.

    Even the light of one small candle, shines in the darkness and brings HOPE. Our lives can reflect the HOPE Of Jesus, the Light of the World. Today, we light this candle of HOPE knowing and having experienced for ourselves that Jesus brings HOPE! All of us need God’s HOPE. We thank God that knowing Jesus as “God with us” means that we are never without HOPE. (Lighting of the candle of HOPE)

    We will pray together, “Thank you God for the HOPE we have because Jesus has come into our world. Thank you that the HOPE that Jesus gives is not just for Christmas, but for every day. For all the places where HOPE is needed, we pray that You will shine the light of Your HOPE. We pray that we will hold on to our HOPE in Jesus as God with us and share this HOPE with others. Guide us to bring Your HOPE wherever we go. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

    MATTHEW 1:18-23

    18 This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. 19 Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

    20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”

    22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

    Matthew 1:18-23 HOPE IS FOUND IN JESUS:

    I spent some time at Friendship House in Brantford this week. This is a place that welcomes people to experience God’s Love in Action. There are hot meals served and a food bank and clothing closet. There are several volunteers who know people by name and take time to listen and to care.

    I was there to bring a devotion for the staff in the morning and then I stayed to help out at the food bank. In the devotion I spoke about how knowing that God is with us gives us HOPE. This name for Jesus “Immanuel” (God with us) is the essence of HOPE for any of us. We are not alone and God is with us guiding us and helping us every day.

    When I asked the staff where they have seen HOPE, one woman who volunteers in the kitchen replied, “in the refrigerator.” When they are preparing food for people, they rely on donations and God keeps inspiring people to give. These donations of food come at unexpected times and help to meet needs. Just recently, there was a donation of eggs and cream and so Friday’s lunch was going to be scrambled eggs. God reminds the staff and all those who come to Friendship House that Jesus is there with them. Jesus is Immanuel and when He is present, there is HOPE.

    Another example of Immanuel-“God with Us” came when I was
    talking with the staff and overheard that a local school had requested hats and mittens. There are children who come to school on these cold winter days with neither hats nor mittens. I knew that Hands for Missions that meets in Tillsonburg does knit and sew and provides practical expressions of hope through the projects that they complete. I made a phone call and discovered that there was a huge bag of hats and mittens that was going to be delivered from them to Friendship House.

    The staff tell me that these kind of expressions of “God with them” go on all the time. It is faith boosting and hope boosting to hear that Jesus continues to be “Immanuel” God with us.
    On this first Sunday of Advent we focus our attention on HOPE. When the plan for Jesus, God’s Son was in place there was the undeniable promise of HOPE because Jesus was coming to be Immanuel “God with us”.

    This promise of what God would do for our world had been spoken of by the prophet Isaiah and we can read those words in the Old Testament in Isaiah 7. This was long before Jesus was born.

    That extended period of waiting must have had people wondering when the promised One would arrive. When would God send “Immanuel” to be God with us? When would HOPE be born?

    We look at the world around us and consider our personal lives and situations, and there is to this day a profound need for HOPE. We come again to the events leading up to our celebration of Christmas and encounter Jesus who is called “Immanuel” God with us.

    Notice in reference to the description of how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about (Matthew 1:18-21) that the conclusion is, 22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

    Our HOPE can be renewed when we recognize that God does keep His promises. He promised to send Immanuel “God with us” and that is exactly what happened!

    I spoke about witnessing that people at Friendship House are experiencing Immanuel “God with us”.

    What does it mean for us today to remember that our Messiah is STILL “God with us?” What comfort and hope does this bring to our world – and to us?

    This is where we move to the other question that I asked during the devotion with staff at Friendship House: Where do you need to see HOPE? This led into a time of prayer as we acknowledged that bringing our need to see evidence of “God with us” is ongoing. Every day we encounter heartaches and struggles. We can find HOPE in knowing that we never face the hard things of this life by ourselves. Jesus entering our world to be Immanuel “God with us” is forever life changing. Since that time, people have been placing their faith in Jesus as our only source of HOPE!

    As we prepare to come to the Lord’s Table for Communion on this first Sunday in Advent, we will encounter here the full expression of HOPE. Why? Because Jesus’ willingness to give His life for us accomplishes what is explained in Matthew 1:21 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”

    The name Jesus means “the Lord saves.” This is what was brought about at the cross and then when Jesus was subsequently raised back to life conquering sin and death forever! And this was only possible because Jesus came in the first place to be Immanuel “God with us.”

    I am praying that each of us will again in this Advent and Christmas season be impacted by the wonder of Jesus: Immanuel “God with us”.
    This is our constant source of HOPE. Yes, it is true that ‘HOPE IS FOUND IN JESUS: IMMANUEL “GOD WITH US”’!

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