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  • Sunday Service – Feb 19, 2023

    Luke 8:22-25

    22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out.23 As they sailed, He fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

    24 The disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”

    He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.25 “Where is your faith?” He asked His disciples.

    In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him.”

    Springford Baptist Church: February 13, 2023.

    What has happened lately that has been frightening for you?

    As we consider the disciples here in the boat with Jesus when a fierce storm comes up on the lake, we recognize that as the Scripture makes clear “…they were in great danger.” (vs. 23)

    Sometimes we get all worked up and imagine worse case scenarios of what could happen, but the actual danger is far removed from us. However, here as with us at times, there is very real danger.
    Think about how vulnerable it is to be out on a lake in the midst of a bad storm with the waves washing up over the side of the boat and the boat about to sink.

    Now if a bad storm comes up and we are on land we may be dealing with some damage to trees with fallen limbs; the hydro might be knocked out; there might even be flooding in the basement… but the likelihood of it being life threatening is slim.

    Not so out on the lake as in this description. The disciples really were at the mercy of the wind and waves. There was nothing they could do. They could not row back to shore. They could not just wait out the storm if the boat was being swamped. They needed help! They needed help right away!

    All of us have times of real danger when we cannot see anything that we can do to change what is happening and we panic.

    The key here is what do we do when we are really scared?

    Already the disciples had witnessed Jesus’ power and authority.

    They had seen him heal people of all kinds of diseases; restore sight to the blind; give hearing to the deaf; and cast out evil spirits.

    They had probably been surprised at first when all these miracles were taking place, but at this point it is not unexpected or surprising for Jesus to demonstrate His miraculous ability to just speak the words and supernatural things happen.

    They are surprised that Jesus can be sleeping in the boat in the midst of this violent storm.

    Jesus is sleeping because He is undoubtedly tired from the demands of His ministry with people, but he is also able to sleep because he is not afraid. The fury of the wind and waves does not frighten Him.

    He has a calm that can only come from being convinced that everything is in God’s hands.

    An ability to sleep soundly is an expression of trusting our loving God to take care of us and whatever is happening around us.

    It is significant that when the disciples realize there is nothing they can do and that they need help, they call out to Jesus.

    This possibility is available to all of us!

    Instead of trying everything else then calling out to Jesus, we would be wise to first call out to Jesus.

    We are not sure what they expected Him to do, but for all the times that Jesus had demonstrated His power and authority in other circumstances, this is their best hope.

    Not being sure what Jesus will do, they waken Him and we can hear the fear and the desperation in their voices,
    “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” (vs. 24) There is not time for lengthy explanation or details.

    I am reassured to know that when we call to Jesus we do not need to give him all the background information. He already knows.

    Sometimes when we call out to Jesus for help, we are inclined to suggest to Him what we think would be the best solution to the problem.

    This is not unlike what I described last week with the absurdity of calling in a technician to fix the furnace and then trying to tell him how to do his job.

    Jesus takes charge at once.

    Jesus is able to take charge over the wind and the raging waters.

    Although the disciples in their desperation and fear had turned to Jesus, they seem to be surprised by what He does.

    Jesus’ resume had already included providing outrageous catches of fish; turning water into wine; ability to heal people of all kinds of diseases; feeding a crowd of over 5000 people with a small boys lunch; even bringing someone dead back to life.

    Now when Jesus speaks peace to the wind and waves and all is calm, He further demonstrates His power in a way that brings His followers to ask, “Who is this”?

    We can ask that question along with them and we know the answer. We hear the answer in the words God spoke when Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove, “You are my Son, whom I love. With You I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22)

    Even though the disciples have seen what Jesus can do on a number of occasions, their fear takes over and they lose sight of Who is with them in the boat. They lose sight of Who is with them in the storm.

    Jesus says,“Where is your faith”?

    Where is our faith when fear takes over?
    Where is our faith when we have every reason to turn to Jesus, but delay?
    Here is the reality:
    With Jesus with us in the boat of life, we have nothing to fear!

    The disciples are surprised by what Jesus does.
    They are left asking, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him.”

    When we call out to Jesus, we are not calling out to someone with limited power or compassion.

    This amazing Jesus is someone whom even the winds and waves obey!

    Who is this? This is God’s Son.
    Who is this? Someone with unlimited power and authority.
    Who is this? One who travels in the boat with us so that we do not face the storms of life alone.
    Who is this? This is One who loves us always and forever!
    Who is this? This is Jesus who even went to the cross for us!!

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