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  • Thanksgiving Sunday Service – Oct 10, 2021

    PSALM 23

    1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
    2     He makes me lie down in green pastures,
    He leads me beside quiet waters,
    3     He refreshes my soul.
    He guides me along the right paths
        for His name’s sake.
    4 Even though I walk
        through the darkest valley,
    I will fear no evil,
        for You are with me;
    Your rod and Your staff,
        they comfort me.

    5 You prepare a table before me
        in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
    6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
        all the days of my life,
    and I will dwell in the house of the Lord


    Springford Baptist Church: October 10, 2021.

    Thanksgiving is an intentional time to recognize that God provides what we need by remaining with us. This really is the essence of an overflowing cup.

    Our recognition as we see how God has blessed us and continues to bless us with His constant Presence is to give thanks. Acknowledge with me on this Thanksgiving Sunday that God has caused our cups to overflow.

    Whenever we look back, we can know God was with us.

    Whenever we consider now, we can know that God is with us.

    Whenever we gaze ahead to what the future might hold, we can know God will be with us.

    YOU ARE WITH ME is enough!!

    This is the same truth that has sustained those who have gone before us and it is the same priceless heritage that we pass on to each new generation. Our cups can overflow into the lives of others as they see evidence of God blessing and taking care of us.

    The reassuring words of this very familiar Psalm 23 take on personal meaning for each of us every time we are confronted with the reality of life situations where we so desperately need to know that we are not alone.

    Today we will claim together the promises of God as we examine this Scripture and recognize that the truth “YOU ARE WITH ME” is for everyday living. We thank God that our cups overflow.

    The strength of God’s Presence and guiding hand is not reserved for the crisis times of life. It is our ongoing encounter with God in the ordinary and uncomplicated times that also gives our faith deep meaning and makes our faith in God so worthwhile to share with those around us.

    If you are working or resting remembering that God is with you, then you will know that your cup is overflowing.

    If you go to visit a friend or to get groceries remembering that God is with you then you will know that your cup is overflowing!

    All of us here will have our own stories of times in our lives when we have had a strong sense of God with us.

    When we tell of these experiences, we encourage each other and our faith in God does grow stronger. This is the overflowing of our cups.

    The words of this Psalm 23 unfold as David’s story of, “YOU ARE WITH ME. MY CUP OVERFLOWS”.

    We begin with this image “The Lord is my shepherd”. It is the task of the shepherd to ensure that the sheep in his care are well looked after. This is not a responsibility to be left to someone else. The shepherd attends to this personally and the best way to do this is to be right there with the sheep. That’s how our LORD can guarantee that we have what we need (not want all that we want, but all that we need). Every time our needs are met and our prayers are answered, God gives us the opportunity to recognize, “YOU ARE WITH ME! MY CUP OVERFLOWS!”

    vs. 2He makes me lie down in green pastures,
    He leads me beside quiet waters.”
    This describes the times that we naturally look forward to, times of rest and restoration.

    A time to lie down in green pastures and to be led by quiet waters is a time for food and drink, a time to be nourished and to have thirst quenched.

    These are every day ordinary concerns but it is vital that they are provided.

    Whenever we pause to pray and to give thanks for the meal we are about to receive, we are acknowledging “YOU ARE WITH ME”.MY CUP OVERFLOWS.” We are indicating that we know God has supplied our daily needs. God is pleased with our gratitude.

    Our celebrations of Thanksgiving involve food and appreciating traditional Thanksgiving fare like roast turkey and perhaps pumpkin pie.God knows that it is not enough to be well fed and watered physically.

    We need refreshment and restoration for our souls.
    This is expressed in verse 3,He refreshes my soul.
    He guides me along the right paths
    for His name’s sake.”

    There are plenty of people who shop for groceries every week and have well stocked cupboards and refrigerators, but miss the significant opportunity to know “YOU ARE WITH ME GOD. MY CUP OVERFLOWS.”

    When it comes to spiritual nourishment, God wants to refresh and to restore our souls. He wants to lead us along the right paths.

    Being led or guided, “along the right paths” means living lifestyles consistent with the truth that “YOU ARE WITH ME. MY CUP OVERFLOWS.”
    Would we be comfortable with the thought that God is right there with us in every conversation and in every activity?

    We want to bring honour to His name by the way that we live our lives and so it is necessary that God gives direction and intentionally leads and guides us “along the right paths for His name’s sake”.

    Having experienced God’s close Presence this, “YOU ARE WITH ME. MY CUP OVERFLOWS” in a whole variety of ways in everyday ordinary living, we can face the really difficult times with this same persistent assurance, “YOU ARE WITH ME. MY CUP OVERFLOWS.

    This is what vs. 4 affirms! We draw on this ongoing revelation of God with us so that when the hard times come and our faith is challenged, maybe even shaken, we will have what we need. When we “walk through the darkest valley” (realizing our own fragile existence or the fragile life of someone whom we love) we realize that we are not in control.

    The realization that we are not in control might make it seem the time to panic, but wait. Even here in those darkest times, those desperate frightening times that we all face, we can even then and even there declare, “YOU ARE WITH ME. MY CUP OVERFLOWS.”

    God knows that this is what we will need to hold to as we hold on to him and he holds on to us.

    verse 5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”
    God invites us to be guests at his table (a symbol of the close relationship we have with Him). It is as if God is saying, “Let me take care of the details. Let me prepare the meal for you to enjoy when you are facing the adversity of enemies around you.” These could be for us enemies of doubt and fear.

    This anointing of the head with oil was the customary treatment for honoured guests.

    God does treat us as honoured guests and the close bonds we have are celebrated. We are celebrating “YOU ARE WITH ME. MY CUP OVERFLOWS”!!

    Remember how we began speaking about this understanding

    God was with us

    God is with us

    God will be with us!
    Consider verse 6,Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
    and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
    This last verse of Psalm 23 anticipates our ongoing journey with the certainty of “YOU ARE WITH ME”. Assurance of God’s constant Presence with us no matter what, truly is an overflowing cup of blessing!

    The picture of goodness and mercy/love following us is a picture of God coming behind us and urging us to wait for Him so that we can walk together. And yes, this assurance of faith that was lived before us continues to be discovered as we go forward looking to know God more and more all the days of our lives. And then there is the promise of dwelling in the house of the Lord forever!!

    This promise of heaven is further confirmation that our cups overflow! We are blessed and we give thanks to our God!

    As our cups do overflow this Thanksgiving, may the blessings that God has given us with His constant Presence flow over into the lives of others who also need to know that God will be with them always.


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