I was recently visiting someone who is being cared for at home. She is very weak and requires constant attention and care. When I was speaking with one of her caregivers, I recognized how much this person really cares for this woman. It is certainly not easy for anyone who is in a caregiver role. There are paid professional caregivers and there are family members and friends who act as caregivers. It is so important for people who need care to receive that from people for whom it is more than a job or an obligation. We can experience in our relationship with God One Who does care for us deeply. We read in I John 3:1 “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us , that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are…” In knowing that God’s loving care for us is real and lasting, we can be inspired in the ways that we care for others. We can also be sincerely grateful for those in our lives who genuinely care for us. It is a gift to have people in our lives for whom we care. Sometimes it can feel like a heavy weight of responsibility. This week in our prayer time together, we will be praying for God’s blessing and encouragement for all caregivers. We will renew our awareness that God is our source of strength when care is required and that we can be given capacity to love and care as He loves and cares for us. Please plan to join us tomorrow January 25th for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER at 1pm.
Praying that God will allow us to recognize the depth of His care for us and to available to care for others in this same way, Pastor Lola
Father God, thank You for the depth of Your love and care for us. We know that we are always on Your mind and in Your heart. Today, we also give thanks for all those who act as caregivers. Thank You for those who are used by You to convey care for others and to bless their lives in this way. We know that this can be demanding for those who give of themselves as caregivers. Please allow those who are caregivers to know how important and necessary are their efforts. We think of those who provide care at home and in hospitals and care homes. Often they become tired and overwhelmed. We pray that You will renew their strength and help them. Our prayers also surround those who need care. We pray that in their need they will encounter You and Your love for them. We ask that when people do receive care that it will confirm Your care for them. With so many staff shortages in hospitals and care homes, we pray for the day to day challenges of providing good care. And our God we do pray for accurate perceptions of care needed. Sometimes the most vital needs could be missed or overlooked. You are a wise God Who can guide us in all of our relationships to take the effort to know what each person in our lives needs. Forgive us for the times we act more out of our needs than the needs of others. Thank You God that You keep on demonstrating care for us and teaching us how we need to care. Please guide our words to express care for anyone we meet. Please open our eyes to see what someone else needs from us and to willingly respond. God we come to You in our brokenness and need. We receive Your love and anticipate that as You have lifted us up, You can lift others up through us. We pray for this to happen. In the Name of Jesus, Who cares more for us than anyone else ever could. AMEN.