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  • Wed Prayer Together – July 26, 2023

    While we have been hiking on the Bruce Trail, I have been so grateful for cool breezes. Sometimes the up and down terrain on a hot summer’s day can seem quite daunting. A cool breeze makes such a difference. It refreshes and makes the journey seem possible. The interesting thing is that the climbing of the heights and the deep descents are not any easier, but the cool breeze comes as an encouragement that we can keep going. This reminds me of the truth of what God offers to us described in Isaiah 40:28-31, 28Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,
    and His understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
    On our Bruce Trail excursions, we will often pray for God to send cool breezes to renew our strength and we give thanks when He does. This week, I want to invite us to think about those we know who have grown tired and weary and who need the cool breezes of God’s sustaining hope to renew their strength. Our prayer time this week can also be a time to recognize our own weariness and need for God’s refreshment. We can come ourselves seeking God’s cooling refreshment for us. This weekly prayer time that we share is God’s gift to us. God welcomes us to come and hear that He is the everlasting God who longs to lift us up and give us strength for our journeys. Please plan to join us for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow July 26th at 1 pm.

    Praying that we will admit our weakness and come to God for strength, Pastor Lola

    Our everlasting God and Creator of the ends of the earth, we are so grateful that You do not grow tired or weary. Your capacity to give us strength is unlimited. We see people all around us who are weighed down with the cares of life. We come to You now praying for those who are dealing with ongoing illness and treatments. We think of the fatigue of endless appointments and trying to get attention needed. We do offer our prayers for the cooling breezes of Your refreshing hope to come to them. Today we also pray for those dealing with dementia and decreased memory and cognition. We pray for the uncertain places of not remembering and retaining and how unsettling this can be. We pray not only for those experiencing dementia personally, but also for those supporting family or friends on this difficult journey. Our God please send cooling breezes of hope here as well. Our prayers also turn to those dealing with disappointment. In some cases, it is profound disappointment of unfulfilled dreams. For some it is the pain of broken relationships and misunderstandings. We know our God that You are One Who does understand and so we ask that You will visit with Your compassion and understanding. As You know the disappointment and how it has affected each person, we pray for healing relief when yet again You send cooling breezes of hope. We come to You now God confessing the sin of envy. There are times that we consider others and see all that seems so good for them and how much easier their lives seem. We acknowledge that we do not know all that people face. Sometimes we are just seeing the surface and do not know what is going on deep inside. Thank You that You do know and can touch those places of pain to bring relief. Please God send Your cooling breezes needed here. Our God we come to You now to admit our own weariness and need for Your renewing strength. Sometimes our tendency is to just keep going even when our resources are very depleted. Thank You that we do have another choice and that is to come to You as our Source of hope. Oh God we crave the cooling breezes of your Holy Presence. We ask You to come and sit with us in our need and to provide Your sustaining strength. Thank You for the times You have met our need by sending cooling breezes before and we look forward to Your loving provision again. Rather than push ourselves to the point of exhaustion, we are praying for wisdom to come to You and to keep coming to You openly admitting our need for You and what You provide to sustain us. Praise you God that You can make it possible for us and those for whom we pray to soar on wings like eagles; to run and not grow weary, to walk and not faint. Thank You for always accompanying us on our life journey. In the Name of Jesus Who loves us and gave Himself for us. AMEN.

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