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  • Wed Prayer Together – June 1, 2022

    As we enter this new month of June, what thoughts are on your mind? Tomorrow is our provincial election in Ontario. This is an important matter for prayer as to the outcome. We will also pray for the decisions that will be made by those elected and how those decisions will impact our every day lives. We are thankful that we do live in freedom and continue to be able to choose to live lives of faith and obedience to God. Often when referring to politicians, people will comment, “I sure wouldn’t want his/her job.” The task of trying to govern with all the challenges that we are facing is a monumental one. Those who are willing to step forward for this challenge certainly need our prayers and support. In

    I Timothy 2:1-4, we read,  1I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” Ultimately, we want God to be our Leader. God alone is the One we can trust and depend on to care for us and to have our best interests in mind. I am wondering what it looks like in each of our days for God to be the One we look to direct us and to help us to resolve the issues that arise. Sometimes we see evidence of people resisting what leaders are trying to accomplish. Sometimes we do not feel considered or well represented in decisions that are made. With God, we can always be confident that God does consider us and is working to bring things together for our good. Please plan to join us for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow June 1st at 1 pm.

    Praying for God’s will to be done, now and always, Pastor Lola

    Our God of mercy and wisdom, we have learned to look to You in all things. As we anticipate the importance of tomorrow’s election and its’ outcome, we want to commit the decisions made to You. We pray that those elected will carefully consider those they represent. We ask that they will be given an attitude of humility that acknowledges the need for wise counsel and considering the implications of the direction that they take. When differences of opinion over politics lead to division, we pray for willingness to listen and a desire to understand. Please show us our God how You intend us to recognize the concerns of those who are not given a voice. In our thoughts now, we pray for those who do not hold influence, yet have legitimate needs that must be addressed. We pray, aware of the many challenges that face those who seek to lead in these times. Our prayer is that their motivation would be centered on what is good and pleasing to You. Our desire God is to live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. Please address anything in our lives that works against Your pattern of holiness. Thank You God our Saviour that You want all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. May this also be what we want. Create in us a strong and determined longing for truth. Guard us against compromise that threatens the preservation of truth. We know our God that we will need courage today and in the days ahead to live with the commitment to please You. Our LORD we look to You as the One Who leads out of love and we think of Jesus Your Son Who came as a servant leader. Instead of seeking to advance our own selfish interests, we pray that we will follow Jesus’ example of loving and serving. We need You now our God and we will need You in each day following this election. With gratitude, we commit ourselves and our province to You. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN

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