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  • Wed Prayer Together – June 8, 2022

    It is an immense relief to know that God understands and is completely aware of whatever we are facing at this time. For various reasons, we may choose not to share with others the heartaches and anxious thoughts that grip us in a tight hold. Other people looking on, may assume that our lives are carefree and they may even wish their journey was more like ours. I urge us not to assume that someone else has it quite easy. We do not know what another individual or family is carrying. It is always best to treat others with gentleness and tender regard. Every person has something that is hard to bear. Many people I’ve been speaking with lately are legitimately concerned about rising prices and the pressures that creates for day to day living. All of us know people with whom we are close who are dealing with significant health issues. It may be that we personally are walking that road of illness. There are complicated relationships that each of us has to navigate. There are so many reasons that we, not surprisingly, feel weak. Sometimes we try to pretend that we are strong, but deep inside, we know differently. And God certainly knows the reality of our weakness. Here is a Scripture that speaks to us in our weakness, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. “ (II Corinthians 12:9) Whatever we are enduring, I invite us to receive God speaking these words directly to us. As we pray, we can know that God’s grace is enough for every need and we can know that God’s power will be authentically displayed in the midst of our weakness. Please join us for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow June 8th at 1 pm.

    Praying for the grace of God’s strength in our weakness, Pastor Lola

    Our God of all grace and compassion, we come to You now and openly admit our weakness. We find with You a place of understanding and genuine care. What we might be reluctant to voice to others, we know with confidence we can bring to You. Everywhere that we turn, we encounter other people who are also weighed down with cares and struggles. We admit to You our God that we feel weak and we long for Your strength to sustain us and to lift us up. Please enter every troubled heart and dispel the fear that comes from feeling overwhelmed by weakness. We are asking now our God that we will welcome You replacing our weakness with Your infinite strength. When we hear You say to us, “My grace is sufficient for you,” we want to claim Your promise. We have witnessed and experienced the sufficiency of Your grace before and we need to know the sufficiency of Your grace again. For unexpected and difficult news that has been received, we trust Your sufficient grace. When our minds race ahead to imagine the worst, we trust Your sufficient grace. When we cannot see light in our darkness, we trust Your sufficient grace. When we long to hear You respond and You are silent, we trust Your sufficient grace. When all we can see is how weak we are, we trust Your sufficient grace. Amazing God, we want to imagine what the perfecting of Your power in our weakness could look like. Thank You that this can prepare the way for You to receive attention and glory. Thank You God that the revealing of Your mighty power truly is sufficient for every need. We choose to set aside our attempts to grasp for answers and ask You God to be the Answer. Please demonstrate your strength in ways that will raise up each one who is staggering under the weight of adversity. Praise you God that Your grace has been sufficient! Praise You God that Your grace is sufficient! Praise You God that Your grace will be sufficient! Our hope is in You alone. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

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