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  • Wed Prayer Together – May 3, 2023

    Apparently, the average person speaks about 300 words per minute. Some people speak more quickly, so may utter more words per minute than that. Others speak more slowly and would obviously have fewer words per minute. The important consideration for any of us is not how many words we speak per minute, but rather what is the motivation and content of the words that we choose to speak? Do we choose to speak words that matter and have significance? Do we select carefully words that will build up another person? Do we speak words that bring people closer to God and His infinite measure of love? In the time that Jesus had with His followers following being raised back to life, we read in Scripture what Jesus spoke to them about. This would have been what Jesus considered vital for them to know. In Acts 1:3b, we read, “… He (Jesus) appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” Jesus spoke often of the kingdom of God during His earthly ministry. Now that He will soon be returning to heaven there are still things about the kingdom of God that Jesus wants to speak about with those He will leave behind. When we feel rushed, it can be difficult to choose what to say. Sometimes our thoughts become jumbled. Jesus confidently used the time He had to say what needed to be said to His disciples. This helped to equip His followers well for what lay before them. We too can choose to speak about the kingdom of God.  We can trust God to guide the words that we speak in conversation and in prayer. When we are speaking about the kingdom of God, as God gives us the words to speak, others can be encouraged to pray for God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. Tomorrow for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER, at 1 pm, we will invite God to keep on teaching us about the kingdom of God and we will pray for the coming of His kingdom in and through us.

    Welcoming the kingdom of God expressed by Jesus through us, Pastor Lola

    Our God, we thank you that in Your mercy You sent Jesus to speak the words that would bring life and hope. We also want to speak words that bring life and hope. It is our prayer that the living of our lives will help to usher in Your kingdom. We want to see evidence of Your kingdom being established in the world around us. While there are those who try to build their own selfish empires, we pray that we will seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. God, we think of those today who need to hear words of forgiveness that are consistent with Your kingdom and we ask that we will speak those words of forgiveness that are needed. It is our desire for us to express more than just words of forgiveness. By Your grace, we pray that the attitudes of our hearts would also speak forgiveness. Many people these days wonder what the future can hold when our world is in such a disordered state. We pray oh God that we will speak words of hope that come from You. May these words of hope be centered in You as King and the kingdom that You intend to establish. Thank You God for the words of love that You speak to us. We also want to speak words of love. And we pray for these words to be confirmed by our actions. It is our prayer today that we will understand more of Your coming kingdom. God, when we see needs around us, we pray that we will not turn away from those needs. Instead, may our recognition of need draw us to ask You how You want us to respond. We know that this matter of the words that we choose, gives the potential for us to represent You well. Our ongoing prayer is for more of You and less of us. Jesus, we really do want You to become greater and for us to become less. We think of times when someone speaks and a particular accent is recognized. Please God give our words Your accent. When we are speaking about and living Your holy kingdom, we long for our lives to be transformed and for the lives of others to also be transformed. God we wonder how things can be made right in a world and in our communities where much seems wrong. We are praying that we will persistently pray and expect to encounter You among. Thank You God that even small steps can advance kindness and respect in our interactions. We do pray for healing in our relationships where that is needed. We pray for concern for the feelings of others and a desire to treat others as we would want to be treated. Please God change us and change our world. In the Name of Jesus. AMEN

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