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  • Wed Prayer Together – May 31,2023

    With the end of another month, we are conscious of the passing of time and the significance of how we invest our time. I had a recent conversation with someone who had planted oak trees in her backyard. I was reminded of the inspirational saying that, “Faith is planting trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” When we offer ongoing prayers of faith, trusting God for His timing and what He will do, it is the same principle. In Hebrews 11:1  we read, ”Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Our decision to pray and to place things in God’s hands means that we are releasing the outcome to God. Our tendency is to expect immediate results. If this does not happen, sometimes we begin to waver in our prayers.  We may not live to see the outcome of our prayers and the ways that God will bring blessing and cooling shade and breezes of refreshment. Yet, still we pray and commit to God with the hope that our prayers will bring blessing to others. We can again participate in this life changing activity of prayer when we pause for our WEDNESDAY TOGETHER tomorrow May 31st at 1 pm.

    Asking God to increase our faith as we pray, Pastor Lola

    Our loving God thank you for the trees that others have planted that have brought blessing to us. Thank you that the faithful prayers and lives of others before us continue to nurture us today. We pray that we too will be willing to invest in ways that will encourage others in their faith and in their opportunities to know you. We recognize that often we cannot imagine what will be the impact of decisions and actions that we now take. With this understanding, we humbly pray to be led by You always. We do not want to give up when the spiritual well being of others depends on us. We are aware that planting takes hard work and determination. There also needs to be tending and care for faith to grow and we want to be available for this. Our desire is for our own faith to develop strong roots and to grow healthy. This is also our longing for others. For those who face circumstances that shake their faith, we pray that they will experience You close with them in their adversity. For those who become so occupied with everything else but taking time for You, we pray that there will be recognition that You keep knocking and wanting to gain access to their lives. For those who have grown self absorbed and do not feel there is any place in their lives for you, we pray that they will recognize their need for You. Our God, the thought of ways that we can help to plant seeds of faith that will introduce You and Your hope filled Presence to others is a thought that compels us to keep praying. Even when we do not see evidence of what is going to happen through the work of Your Spirit, please give us courage to keep on believing in You and Your life changing power and to keep on praying. We commit ourselves and all that we are and have to what You want to be now and in time to come. In the Name of Jesus. AMEN.

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