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  • Wednesday Prayer Together For Aug 12

    At the outset of this communication, I want to remind that I will be on holidays August 17th-31st. There will not be outdoor or online services or Wednesday prayers sent out during that time. This week we met to discuss our plans going forward. Our decision is to continue with Outdoor Sunday Services (weather permitting) throughout the month of September. Online services will also be made available during that time. We will then assess the possibility of meeting indoors starting in October. Please continue to pray that God will guide us in making careful and prayerful decisions.

       For this week’s WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER, I want to encourage us to think about how we do make important decisions. We, along with other churches, are having to determine the best and most responsible options for the days ahead. Parents are needing to make wise decisions around children returning to school or not. Each of us face significant decisions that we must make. When we are trying to make important decisions, it is so reassuring that we can pray and look to God to guide us. Romans 12:2 affirms, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing, and perfect will.” As we reject the selfish patterns of this world and allow God to transform us by the renewing of our minds, we can receive insights and clear direction for decisions that we face. Our PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow Wednesday August 12th at 1 pm will be a time for us to bring personal decisions to God in prayer and for us to pray for each other and our world in decisions that have lasting implications. Thank you for sharing faithfully in this vital ministry of regular prayer! We can pray together:

       Our God of grace and mercy, You have created us and know us completely. You know the need we have to receive guidance from You in the decisions we make. We admit to You that some decisions are hard to make because we cannot know all the details of what might happen. Thank You that You do know all the details and You are available to help us and to guide us. We ask You to continue Your work of transforming us to be more like You. We pray that You will direct our thoughts and motivations in the decisions we make. In churches making plans for reopening, we pray You will guide when and how this happens. Thank You for creative ways we have been worshipping and serving in this time of the pandemic. We pray for decisions being made in our communities, our province, and our country. We ask You to show Your way to those in leadership who are making decisions that affect us all. We pray that decisions will be made with care and concern for the most vulnerable. We pray that those affected by poverty will be considered. We pray that those who often have no voice to represent themselves will be given a voice. Lord, we think of all those anticipating the return to school. Our prayers are with students, parents, teachers, and staff. We pray for the decisions that need to be made to guard safety and well being at school. For anxious concern on the minds of many, we pray that You will relieve that anxiety and that measures will be in place to make safety a priority. For parents who have yet to make a decision about whether or not to have their children return to classrooms, please assist in these decisions. For students who are hearing adult conversations and are feeling frightened and uncertain, we ask for Your love to surround them and we ask for attentive caregivers to listen and to support. For teachers who feel overwhelmed with how they will adjust and cope with all that is expected of them, we pray for Your provision. Our prayers continue for the Covid virus to be eliminated. Thank you for successful progress being made toward an effective vaccine. Every day Lord, we are confronted with making decisions about our activities and how we live our daily lives. Whatever decisions we are considering, we look to You to keep us close to You and willing for Your best plans for us. We pray for Your good pleasing and perfect will in all things. We invite You using us to carry out Your will. Since we have decided to follow You Jesus, You do promise to lead us all the way, a step at a time. We do commit ourselves and each step we take to You. We choose to trust You with every decision in the name of Jesus our Saviour Who has and will lead us all the way. AMEN

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