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  • Wednesday Prayer Together for Sept 2nd

    I am very thankful to have had holiday time to relax and reflect and to appreciate God’s closeness. I have been remembering you in my prayers and am grateful that we can now continue this regular time of praying together on Wednesdays. Our prayer this week will center on the assurance of Scripture from Psalm 23.  Here, we are reminded that the LORD is our Shepherd and He tenderly cares for us as a shepherd cares for the sheep. God knows that each of us needs times of being led by “still waters” where our souls can be refreshed and restored. Holidays for me this year have been a time of being led by still waters. It has been a quiet time of appreciating God’s creation and time to rest in God’s love. As I write this, I am praying for a close friend who had a massive stoke last evening. I am committing this man and his wife and family to God’s care. We have been told that he may not pull through. Here I draw comfort from Psalm 23:4, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley (the valley of the shadow of death), I will fear no evil for You are with me.” The LORD our Shepherd is with us in the darkest of times and we affirm that when we pray. I will appreciate your prayers for this family. At the end of Psalm 23 there is this promise that, “goodness and mercy” will accompany us all the days of our lives and we will have a place in God’s house forever, safe with the Shepherd who guides us each step of the way. I know that you too are praying over various heartaches and concerns and trusting God, our good and loving Shepherd to be with you and those for whom you pray. I look forward to gathering for Outdoor Services at 10:30 am at Springford Baptist Church, each Sunday in September (weather permitting). When we gather, it is a time of being led by still waters and a time for our souls to be restored. We are able to share our needs for prayer and to recognize how God has been answering our heartfelt prayers, lifted up to Him. Whenever we pray, and whatever we bring to God in prayer, may we know with certainty that the LORD our Shepherd is with us. If you are able, please plan to pause for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER today Wednesday, September 2nd at 1 pm. I encourage you to add your own prayers to the prayer below:

    LORD our loving Shepherd, we thank You for the summer breezes and the beauty of flowers and reminders all around us that You are real and that You love and care for us. Thank You that You regularly lead us by still waters and restore our souls. We so need these times of refreshment.. Each of us can think of people we are praying for who are in times of trouble. Some of us are facing a dark valley right now that is affecting us deeply. We pray for the people that we are carrying in our hearts. We pray for this man who has suffered a serious stroke and for his family. We ask you to be near to meet every need. We pray for those we know who are having tests and treatments. We pray for all the complications of being in hospital now because of Covid precautions. We ask for Your strength for long times of recovery from illness or surgery. Our God, in these moments we persist in our prayers for the Covid pandemic to be brought under control. We pray for researchers and medical staff who are working tirelessly to discover a reliable vaccine. Please guide toward the right path for your Name’s sake. We pray for the level of distrust and unrest and hatred in our communities and world to be transformed by people turning to You as the answer in these times of distress that the pandemic has initiated and highlighted. In this too, we pray that You will guide and lead in paths of righteousness. We ask You to shepherd all those who are part of the field of education. We pray for parents who have had to make decisions for their children’s schooling for the fall. We pray for teachers and staff who are still trying to figure out the measures that need to be in place to provide safety. We pray for some of the obstacles to learning that are presented with all that needs to be considered and implemented. Oh LORD, our wise Shepherd, please teach us to come to You and to allow You to teach each of us what we need to learn from You. Our God, over and over our prayers confirm our need for You, as sheep need a shepherd. Many questions rise in our minds about what the future holds. We need You to guide us and those we love. We need You to comfort us and to keep us safe. Thank You that You prepare a table for us and supply our needs every day. We pray that we will move beyond the indulgence of keeping for ourselves what is spread on this table You have prepared. Urge us to notice and to care and to share that all will receive Your loving provision. Thank You that our cups do overflow with blessings. There is more than we can even contain. Praise You Good Shepherd that Your goodness and mercy do follow us all the days of our lives. There is never a time that we are not in Your tender care. You welcome us to dwell with You forever. What could be better? We look to the time when all the burdens of this life will be past. We ask You to draw others into the fold of Your love through the expressions of love You give us opportunity to demonstrate in serving You. We love You, LORD our Shepherd,  in Jesus’ name. AMEN.

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