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  • Wednesday Prayer Together – June 29, 2022

    As we approach this Canada Day 2022 and the marking of 155 years since Canada was recognized as a country, we do well to ask, “How can we best pray for this country of Canada where we live”? Sometimes we might be inclined to feel a measure of despair or to wonder if our prayers for our county will make an impact. It is readily apparent that there are vital issues to be faced in this country of Canada. There are those who will point to the United Sates and conclude that we are, “at least better off than them.” This is not helpful. The point is that Canada Day is a time to be reminded that we do have responsibility as citizens of this country. It is important to acknowledge our challenges and to look for understanding in how we can live our day to day lives in God pleasing ways. One of our responsibilities as people of Christian faith is to pray for God to guide us and our leaders in living our lives in God honouring ways. What we believe has to influence our outlook and ultimately the decisions that we make. In Proverbs 28:2 we read, “When a country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it-but it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out.” (The Message) This rings very true. Ultimately, we need God to be the One to provide understanding and to show us how to straighten things out. Yes, everyone can have their own ideas and plans about how to fix our country. We need a credible, God initiated plan. This is where prayer gets implemented. We can best pray for our country when we pray with humility that God will guide and  will give understanding that is needed. Please commit to pray for Canada during our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow June 29th at 1 pm.

    Thanking God for our country of Canada and praying that God will make our country what He intends it to be, Pastor Lola

    Our loving God, we do thank You for this country where we live. We thank You for the freedom we have here to believe in You and to practise our faith in You.  We thank You for the beauty around us and the inspiration of this place You have created that draws us close to You. We thank you for opportunities to follow our hopes and dreams. We thank You that families can be lovingly raised here and that there are ongoing possibilities for people to discover life long meaning by following You. Thank You for provision for education and health care. While we are thanking You God for what is good, we do not pretend that there are not problems. We do see evidence of chaos as people clash and disagree. We are saddened when people verbally attack each other and when the choice to love and to respect is not the choice taken. We know that there are various suggestions on how to fix things. Our God we look to You for real understanding. We look to You to show us what we need to see. Forgive us for assuming we have all the answers when we do not. Loving God, there have been many sacrifices made to ensure our freedoms and we pray that we will use this gift of freedom wisely and well. We do pray that there will be recognition of decisions that have been made that have not been for the best. We pray for a willingness to reconsider and to take a different path. God our prayers for Canada today remind us of our dependence on You. We know that our feeble attempts at answers cannot fix what needs fixing. It is only as Your Spirit leads us that we can expect to see our country be what You are calling us to be. When we grow disillusioned, please assure us that You do have answers. When the way You are leading us as a country seems too difficult and the cost too high, please show us how much it matters to be the people You call us to be and to create the country You intend us to have. God we are asking You to be our leader of real understanding and we are asking for individuals who will commit themselves to receiving and being directed by understanding that only You can impart. When we do see answers to our prayers today for Canada and all those who make our country their home, we want to be certain to thank You and to acknowledge what You have given us in making us Canadians. We thank You that our way forward can be navigated with You as our constant Guide. We bring these prayers for Canada to You in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

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