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  • Sunday Service – Jan 12, 2025

    Sunday Service – Jan 5, 2025. Pastor Craig Stephen’s first sermon

    Pastor Stephens created a stream of his inaugural service using his mobile. It is the goal to eventually make these streams of higher quality.


    We are pleased to announce that Springford Baptist Church has called Rev Craig Stephens of Ingersoll to become the pastor of Springford Baptist Church. He will begin his pastorate on January 1, 2025 and we will welcome Craig and Beth Anne, his wife to our midst at that time.

    A pot luck lunch after church will be held on January 19 , 2025 to welcome them both and to meet the church family.

    Good Friday Breakfast/Service.

    Springford Baptist held its annual Good Friday Breakfast today. Freshly made pancakes with homemade maple syrup, sausages and fruit cups were enjoyed by all who attended. A thank you to all who prepared the breakfast. Following the breakfast, Good Friday service was observed in the sanctuary.

    Sunday Service postponed for Jan 14, 2024

    Due to the icy and snowy weather conditions out there, and roads not being the best, the decision was made to postpone today’s service. We will hope for better weather conditions next Sunday!

    In Transition

    With Pastor Lola’s retirement as of Dec 31, 2023, Springford Baptist Church has welcomed interim pastor Rev. Andras Rameshwar. For now, we will be in a transitional phase. The Sunday video sermons and Wednesday Prayer Together postings will be suspended as of this time. Relevant announcements will continue to be posted here or at the church’s Facebook page.

    Service for Dec 31,2023

    Continue reading Service for Dec 31,2023

    Last Wed Prayer Together – Dec 27, 2023

    This will be our last WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER sent out, as I will conclude ministry with Springford Baptist Church on this coming Sunday December 31st. I am so grateful to God for all the ways that He has answered our prayers in these past 16 ½  years that I have been Pastor in Springford! It was during the pandemic that I began this WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER as a way of seeking God and trusting God in prayer when we could not be together in person. We have continued to share in this weekly opportunity to pray together, although apart. It is really helpful when we pray to remember what God has done and to give Him thanks. This inspires us to keep on trusting God and to expect that He will continue to move, sometimes in mysterious ways, to answer our prayers. This thanking God and trusting God in prayer is a pattern that builds a deeper relationship with our God, as we intentionally rely on Him. We have just celebrated again the miracle of the birth of God’s own Son Jesus. We read in Scripture of the reaction of the shepherds after they have gone to see Jesus in Bethlehem, “The shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen which were just as they had been told.” (Luke 2:20) We have experienced Jesus among us in these last several years and we, like the shepherds, have reason to glorify and praise God for all the things we have heard and seen. Our thanks to God for what He has done has a wide scope. There is also clear opportunity for us to continue to bring to God in prayer all the concerns and needs that arise and to trust Him for what He is yet to do. Thank You for joining with me in prayer and for your faithful prayers for me.  I encourage that our prayers continue as we trust God for the future that is in His hands. Please pause to pray this prayer provided tomorrow Wednesday December 27th at 1 pm or whenever you are able.

    Thanking our God for His answers to our prayers and trusting Him going forward, Pastor Lola

    Our loving God Who continues to give us reason to thank You and to trust You, we come to you now in prayer and recognize that we are loved by You with an everlasting and unchanging love. Your love for us causes us to respond with deep and sincere thanks. We do glorify and praise You for all that we have seen and heard of Who You are. Faith in You and evidence of You hearing us and answering our prayers causes us to turn to You with thankful hearts. Our God, You have taught us to pray for Your will, so even when the answers have not come as we would prefer, we give our thanks to You. When our faith has been challenged, we thank you that You have shown us that it is still possible to believe and to surrender the details of our lives to You. The most difficult circumstances of our lives have compelled us ever closer to You and we thank You for our view of You when literally You have been all that we have had to hold. You our God have allowed us to experience how much we need You and to find that Your grace is available. When we could not imagine how we could take another step, You have made that possible. Our God, You have lifted from our shoulders the burdens that have been too heavy for us to carry and You have carried them for us. In the darkest of times, You have shone the eternal light of Your holy Presence. For all the times that You have given us patience when we have been restless and frustrated, we thank You. For all the times that You have revealed a way when we could not see a way, we thank You. For all the times that You have protected us and those we love, we thank You. For Your great compassion for every care that we bring to You, we thank You. The fact that You keep on guiding us and giving us strength to face each new day is another motivation to thank You. Knowing what we have seen and heard that has confirmed Your loving grace in our lives and in our world, we want to trust You for the days ahead. We believe that we will enter this new year before us with an ongoing assurance that You will never leave us or abandon us. We trust that our lives have purpose and that You will consistently reveal Your purpose as we maintain our trust in You. Thank You for what You have done and thank you for what You are yet to do in Springford and in all our communities. We do not pretend that we understand all the mysteries of Who You are. Still we choose to thank You and to trust You and to expect You to accompany us throughout our whole journey from here to our home in heaven. We pray that others will choose to trust You because they have seen what You have done in answer to our constant prayers. Until we see You face to face, may our lives always reflect Your grace. In the Name of Jesus Who entered our world to demonstrate that there is reason for faith in You and that You long for all of us to discover You and to be redeemed. AMEN.

    Christmas Eve Sunday Service – Dec 24, 2023

    ADVENT CANDLE OF LOVE Sun. Dec. 24, 2023. 10:30 am

    1st Reader: Today, on this Christmas Sunday morning and Christmas Eve, we want to thank God for LOVING our world so much that He sent Jesus to be our Saviour. In our world where everyone needs to be LOVED, Jesus is the One who LOVES us the most. When we realize that Jesus LOVES us, we can know LOVE in life changing ways. Jesus wants each person to know that they are LOVED. Jesus LOVES everyone without exception! We can ask Jesus to guide us to LOVE as He LOVES.

    2nd Reader: Jesus knows everything about us and He still LOVES us. Jesus never stops LOVING us. This is real LOVE. When we discover how much Jesus LOVES us, we can begin to LOVE each other the way that God has always intended. We can see and know the greatest example of LOVE in Jesus Christ Who came to be our Saviour.
    Today we light this candle of LOVE knowing that Jesus makes LOVE possible! We want to hear and know the message of Jesus’ LOVE. We want to experience more of how others can discover Jesus’ LOVE when we LOVE. (Lighting the candle of LOVE)

    3rd Reader: We will pray together, “Thank You God for the LOVE we have discovered because Jesus has come into our lives to be our Saviour. Thank you that because of Jesus, we have You God with us always. We have needed to rely on You and the LOVE that You generously give us in this past year. We want to continue to rely on You and the power of Your LOVE in the year ahead. Thank You that the LOVE that Jesus gives is not just for Christmas, but for every day. Thank You that You are Someone we can trust to LOVE us forever. We pray that we will keep on discovering LOVE in Jesus and that others will encounter Jesus and know His LOVE through us. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

    CHRISTMAS EVE 2023 December 24th 7 pm.

    1st Reader: As we have been lightingthe candles of HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE, we have waited for tonight, Christmas Eve. We have been wanting to know God and the HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE found in Jesus. We have been wanting to make room for Jesus. We have waited for tonight when together we will light this special candle at the center of the wreath, the CHRIST CANDLE. May Jesus be at the center of our lives.
    2nd Reader: This CHRIST CANDLE reminds us of Jesus, God’s Son, who is God’s gift to our world. Jesus is worth making the effort to know and we can choose to make room for Him in our lives. His HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE are always available for us to experience when we make room for Jesus. On this, the night before Jesus’ birthday, we again light this CHRIST CANDLE and thank God that He loves us so much that He has arranged for us to discover Jesus and to know Him in a personal way. We light this CHRIST CANDLE celebrating thatHOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE all are found in Jesus, God’s Son! Tonight, we have come together to make room for Jesus and to be reminded again of why He came and Who He is for us! (Light the CHRIST CANDLE)

    3rd Reader: We will pray: “Thank You God that You love us so much that you have given us Your greatest gift. Thank You for the gift of Jesus. We know that Your HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE will bring us closer to You. We know that we need You. Thank You that You have given us Jesus to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life for us. Help us to make room for Jesus this Christmas. We pray to continue to make room for Jesus and to love You more each day. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN.”

    LUKE 2:8-11

    And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ, the Lord.

    Springford Baptist Church: December 24, 2023.

    On these Sundays leading up to Christmas, we have been considering Names for Jesus, God’s Son, whose miraculous birth we celebrate at Christmas. These Names remind us of Who He came into our world to be.
    Jesus is: Immanuel-God with us. This reminds us that God loves us so much that He wants to be with us and also assures us that we are never alone. This causes us to find HOPE in Jesus.
    Jesus is: Prince of Peace. We long for peace in our troubled world and in our own hearts. With all that threatens our peace, we can learn to trust God and to find PEACE in Jesus.
    Jesus is: The Messiah. His followers recognized Him as the “Anointed One” that God promised to send. Jesus was not a random person with an inflated view of Himself, thinking that He was a Messiah. Jesus proved Himself to be the Messiah by overcoming death when He was raised back to life. Our fear can be replaced with the JOY we find in Jesus.

    Now this Sunday, we come to recognize Jesus as Saviour. More than that “my Saviour.” This is where we find LOVE in Jesus.

    Think about a person introducing the one to whom they are married. Would they say, “This is a wife” or “This is a husband”?
    Not if they hoped for harmony at home… Of course the introduction would be, “My wife.” “My husband”.

    We think of relationships in terms of the significance of someone to us:
    My daughter. My son. My friend. My neighbour. My coworker.

    This indicates belonging and the same is true when we recognize Jesus as “my Saviour.” This reveals a relationship that is so much deeper.

    I see this personal relationship in the words of Mary the mother of Jesus when she says in her Song recorded in Luke 1:46-55, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God mySaviour.” (Luke 1:46,47)

    What cause us to move from the celebration of Christmas being about the Saviour’s birth to being about my Saviour’s birth?

    It is all about how we see the relationship.

    We will consider the experience of the shepherds because they had the chance to be the first to hear the amazing news of Jesus’ birth announcement.

    Our birth announcements typically include details of the time the baby arrived, the baby’s name, the weight and length of the baby, and an assurance that mother and baby are doing well.

    These announcements are expected when we are waiting to hear news of a new baby.

    For the shepherds, this announcement was completely unexpected. They had no idea that a baby was about to be born. And of course, no ordinary baby, this was God’s own Son sent to be a Saviour, an extraordinary baby, ultimately, my Saviour.

    So back to the shepherds. There they were doing what they always did. They were watching their sheep. They needed to keep them safe from thieves (sheep stealers) and predatory animals that would threaten their lives.

    The shepherds were clear about their purpose and their routine night after night was fairly predictable as they watched their flocks and kept them safe.

    But this night we read about here in Luke 2 is entirely different. An angel of the Lord appears to them. And the brilliant light of the glory of the Lord shines around them. Completely unexpected! These sturdy, field smart shepherds who would regularly stand bravely against thieves or wild animals are terrified. And certainly they do not realize that the angel has come with a birth announcement.

    Hear again the words of the birth announcement for Jesus, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ, the Lord.” (Luke 2:10,11)

    This announcement is good news of great joy that is for all the people. Usually the news of the arrival of a baby is especially exciting for close family and friends. When Jesus arrives there is the potential of great joy and exhilaration for all people!

    Why? Because Jesus has come to be Saviour for anyone and everyone!
    When the angel announces, “a Saviour has been born for you” (Luke 2:11) there is so much wrapped up in those words.

    It is an announcement for the shepherds, but it is also an announcement for everyone who has been born and lived ever since, including us.

    A Saviour has been born for us!

    This Jesus wants to be our Saviour.

    He wants to save us from the sin and evil that grips our world and affects every one of us.
    He wants us to introduce Him as my Saviour. This is where incomparable love is found in knowing Jesus as my Saviour, my Saviour.

    We are like the sheep that the shepherds were keeping watch over. The sheep needed someone to keep them safe from the things that would threaten their very lives. The shepherds needed to be strong and reliable to keep the sheep safe.
    Jesus is for us strong and reliable. He is our Saviour. He has been born for us!

    What does threaten us? We may feel threatened by anxious thoughts of what could happen with our health and security and the health and security of those we love. The persistent effects of aging confirm that there are many things over which we do not have control. Ultimately, we know that we will face death and we know that we can never be good enough to face God and enter heaven on the basis of what we have or haven’t done. How can we be safe when we know our lives here will not be forever?

    The safety comes in Jesus being “my Saviour”. The safety comes in knowing that nothing that happens can ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    For God so loved the world (for God so loved ___________ insert your own name) that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life.”(John 3:16)
    Jesus has come to give us the guarantee of life now and life forever. That is what my Saviour Jesus does!

    We celebrate at Christmas that Jesus my Saviour has come to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

    This is LOVE. This is the greatest expression of LOVE ever that Jesus has come to be my Saviour and Your Saviour!!

    And this LOVE compels us to share the good news of Jesus our Saviour and the LOVE found in Jesus our Saviour with all people!!

    This remarkable gift is not to just keep for ourselves!
    The shepherds spread the word (Luke 2:17) and so must we!!

    Wed Prayer Together – Dec 20, 2023

    Yes, Christmas is getting closer and yes we have yet to light the Advent Candle of LOVE. Lighting a candle is relatively easy. Loving is not. There are people in our lives whom we find easy to LOVE. Then there are people who are not those with whom we would naturally choose to spend time. They may frustrate us. They may misrepresent us and accuse us of things that are not true. In some cases, we try to avoid such people, but the affect of their words and actions is not always possible to escape. It may be that some of the people we find most difficult to be in relationship with are in our own families. Their words may take on a tone that is undermining and hurtful. Some of these individuals may be part of gatherings we will attend over Christmas holidays. How are we to be with people whom we find difficult?  Does Jesus, God’s Son  have anything to say about this? Does the same Jesus who entered our world as God’s greatest gift of LOVE ever given, have instructions for us about loving when it is not easy to LOVE? He does and we can read these words in Matthew 5:43-46a,43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?”  When we read these verses, there may be people who come to mind whom we find hard to LOVE. Jesus tells us to LOVE them and to pray for them. This is not excusing rude or intolerable behaviour as acceptable. This is seeing beyond the behaviour to care about the person. Anyone who is behaving in an aggressive or unkind way is being held captive and missing the warmth of LOVE. This week we will pray and trust God with all of our relationships when we pause for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow December 20th at 1 pm.
    Praying that God will give us the capacity to LOVE as He LOVES, Pastor Lola

    Our God of LOVE, we come to You today to thank You for loving our world so much that You sent Your own Son Jesus to demonstrate the depth of Your LOVE for us. You gave all of us this miraculous gift of LOVE. There are some who acknowledge and thank You for Your generous gift of Jesus. There are others who ignore You altogether or are so caught up in their own priorities that although they believe in You, they give You little time or attention. Still You LOVE everyone. We are praying today for our LOVE to become more like Yours. Your LOVE is truly unconditional. So often our measure of LOVE depends on receiving LOVE. We want to consider the recorded words of Jesus, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” We admit this would not be our first thought. Please transform our thoughts to replace resentment in our hearts with the beginnings of an attitude of LOVE. We know that often those who do not treat others well are struggling themselves and feeling unloved. Please guide our words and actions to bring LOVE into these relationships. When we feel persecuted, we ask that rather than retaliate that we will choose to pray for those individuals. Right now we pray blessing for those we find most difficult to LOVE. We pray that they will experience Your LOVE and care for them. May they encounter You in this time of celebrating the miraculous birth of Jesus. For people who are feeling the weight of depression, grief, and loss this Christmas, we pray for our expressions of LOVE that will remind them of Your everlasting and unconditional LOVE. We are Your children and we want to act like children of You our Father in heaven. It is a gift and a blessing to love those who love us. We are so grateful that You have given us people to LOVE and to be loved by. We hear Jesus urging us on to an even deeper kind of LOVE. This will not happen with our capacity to LOVE. We will need Your infinite capacity for LOVE. What can begin as something small and local can spread wider and wider and touch people all around our world. Our God, we do pray for the power of Your LOVE to change the perspective of enemies who are currently engaged in war and fighting and killing. If people do choose to LOVE their enemies, there could be an end to war. If people choose to LOVE their enemies, there could be restoration of severed relationships. If people choose to LOVE their enemies, people could live in safety instead of fear. These are the kinds of extraordinary gifts we long for this Christmas. Guide us we pray, to give the kind of LOVE that Jesus gave that really will change everything and everyone including us. Enable us to forgive and to be forgiven so that LOVE not hate will win. In the Name of Jesus who has taught us how to LOVE. AMEN.