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  • Wed Prayer Together – April 28, 2021

    It seems that there is a lot of rain in the weather forecast for this week. This is typical of April and we know the saying, “April showers bring May flowers. “ This has got me reflecting on how God can bring beauty out of what we might consider dreary and unwelcome days. I […]

    Sunday Service – April 25, 2021

    Please note that starting next Sunday, May 2nd, there will be opportunity for us to join together online over Zoom. Pastor Lola will provide a link to our Zoom call in the Sunday email and we can have a chance to meet and talk together at 1 pm. If you are not familiar with […]

    Wed Prayer Together – April 21, 2021

    Our God is a God who notices small details. I was out for a walk the other day, when I looked down and saw some shell from a robin’s egg. Isn’t that a remarkable colour, “robin’s egg blue?” It seemed like a long time since I had seen a robin’s egg shell last spring. […]

    Sunday Message – April 18, 2021

    The transcript of the service can be read below


    Wednesday Prayer Together – April 14

    I am thankful that our God is a God of fresh insights. For some time now, I have asked the question and have encouraged others to ask the question, “Where is God in this”? This can be a helpful and worthwhile question when trying to understand how God is at work in any particular […]

    Sunday Service For April 11, 2021

    The transcript of the service can be read below


    Wed Prayer Together For April 7th

    Easter has been a time for renewed hope. How are we reminded of hope and how do we hold on to hope now that Easter has come and gone? The sunrise that begins each new day can be a reminder for us that Jesus, God’s Son has risen. I have been reflecting over this […]

    Easter Sunday Service For April 4, 2021

    The transcript of the service is below


    Good Friday Service, 2021

    The transcript of the service is below.
