Whatever task or challenge we are facing, we become aware that our strength is limited. We know how tired we can become with everyday activities. Then, when there are the added cares of life that weigh us down, we recognize that we do not have the strength required on our own. If our acknowledgement of limited strength ended there, each of us would have reason to feel quite overwhelmed and even hopeless. We can return again and again to the good news that our strength does come from the Lord. We are not left to struggle alone. In His wise generosity, God provides for us the strength that we in our weakness so desperately need. The assurance of Scripture reminds us, “I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) When we are relying on the unlimited resource of strength that God is willing to provide for us, we are living in a place of hope. Prayer is a key to us receiving the strength that God has to provide. We come to our Lord admitting that we are weak and asking Him to lift us up and to give us strength. As that strength from God is provided, this is not a time to overlook God, but rather to keep turning to Him and thanking Him for knowing just what we need. Sometimes people who are feeling unsteady in their walking are reluctant to use a cane or a walker. These devices can restore stability and give strength and confidence, but it requires admitting the need. How willing are we to admit our need for God and the unlimited strength that He can offer? Will you join us this week for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow August 3rd at 1 pm?
Thanking God that we can come in our weakness trusting God to give us strength, Pastor Lola
Our strong God, thank You for Who You are. We come to You today recognizing Your unlimited resources of strength. We also recognize and admit our weakness. Sometimes we try to pretend that we are stronger than we are and that has us continuing to rely on our very limited strength. It is a relief to come to You today our God and to know that You understand all things. You know who we are and You know the pattern of our lives. You God know where our strength has been spent and we feel depleted. Thank You that You lovingly welcome us to come to You in our weakness and to receive Your strength. Our Lord, we pray that we will not use our strength from You to attempt to do more and more. Please teach us to rest in You. We trust You to guide the rhythms of our lives. Ultimately, we want to be living rhythms that reflect Your generous love. While we look to You to receive strength for ourselves, we also pray with compassion for all those who need Your strength. Today we pray for those who have not yet admitted their need for You. Reveal we pray Your constant availability for anyone who will call out to You. We ask that as others witness our dependence on You for strength that they will find assurance that they can do the same. We know our God that relying on You for strength is how You intend us to live. We are asking that the day to day choices we make will be guided by You and Your wise Spirit. Our God, please deal with any reluctance in us to lean on You for strength. We are praying that this ongoing experience of drawing strength from You will deepen our relationship with You our God. We want to walk ever more closely with You day by day and moment by moment. When the way is hard, please keep us clinging to You and remaining centered in Your strength. The more we know of You our God the more grateful we are for the influence of Your strength made real in our times of deepest need. We will need to keep on coming to You for strength. We know that Your supply of strength is endless. As we are spending time with You and being filled with Your strength, please assist us in listening carefully for what You want us to hear. We long for our dependence on You for strength to hold us in a place of humility and awareness of Your holy Presence. The light of Your Presence does compel us to admit that we will never stop needing You. We will always require Your strength expressed and brought to light in our places of weakness. We are weak but You are strong. We declare this reality with our love and devotion towards You our God of strength. We pray in the Name of Jesus who makes it possible for us to do all things through the strength that He gives. AMEN.