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  • Wednesday Prayer Time – May 20/20

    Another week has gone by. Where and when have you experienced God in this time? How have you seen God and known God’s care in your life and in the lives of people around you? This Wednesday, as we join together in prayer, there is opportunity for us to pray that we will be attentive to what God wants us to notice. Of course He wants us to notice Him and how He is at work. He wants us to recognize evidence of His love. God also wants us to notice people who are struggling. Sometimes this is not immediately apparent to us. Especially now, when we aren’t seeing people in person and spending the time face to face , we may not realize when there is a need. We can rely on God to help us to understand and not to assume that everything is okay with another person. It could be that people around us are trying to put on a brave front. It could be that people aren’t sure who they can trust. Some people don’t know that they can trust God. A familiar Scripture urges us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do no lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” (Proverbs 3:5,6) When we pray together tomorrow Wednesday May 20th at 1 pm, we can follow the direction of this truth from God’s Word and choose to trust the Lord our God. We can trust Him whenever we pray!

    Love & Prayers, Pastor Lola

    Here is this week’s prayer:

    Our God, thank you for the ways that we have experienced You and known Your care this past week. Thank You for Your care for others whom we pray for and we trust You to continue to bring Your answers for them. We keep learning that You our God can be trusted. We turn to You now aware that there is so much in this world that is unreliable. You are truth and we want to trust You with all of our hearts. Forgive us for the times we lean on our own understanding and try to solve issues on our own. We pray that You will guide us in being honest about our need for You. We want to be in the habit of noticing You. When we remember that You are always with us and that we can trust You, we find strength. We pray that our experience of You will teach us to trust You more. We anticipate how necessary it will be to trust You in the days ahead. We need You and we know of so many others who need You to be available for them. We pray for people feeling overwhelmed with anxiety because of the covid virus. We pray for people feeling overwhelmed with anxiety for other reasons. We turn to You. We continue to pray for those making decisions around potential reopening and ask for wisdom needed to consider everything carefully. We turn to You. We pray for those who don’t have any idea how to plan for the future. We turn to You. We pray for those who have had to change their plans in significant ways and feel really frustrated. We turn to you. We pray for people who feel alone and lonely. We turn to You. We pray for all the implications and challenges because of school remaining closed until September. We turn to You. We thank you that the safety and well being of children has been taken into consideration. We pray for the concern caused because of the complicated economic crisis we are facing. We turn to You. We pray that we will keep on turning to You. We pray that You will show us what it means to be your Church in this situation. We turn to you. We pray that You will show us how to serve You with compassion. We turn to You. Everywhere we look we see how necessary it is to trust You. We want to trust You with all of our hearts and to see how You will direct our paths. We turn to You Lord Jesus and pray all of this in Your Holy Name. Amen.  

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