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  • Sunday Service – May 23, 2021

    I John 1:1-4

    That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.The Life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.We write this to make our joy complete.

    Springford Baptist Church: May 23, 2021.

    Isn’t it remarkable all that we hear and see in the course of a single day? If you were to record all that you see and hear, from the time you get up in the morning, you would have a very long list. Some of the sounds and sights might go unnoticed. Sometimes we become so accustomed to certain sounds and sights that we hardly acknowledge them.

    This is a time of the year when there are so many sights and sounds to notice. We’ve seen and heard them before, but we are again marvelling at the intricacies of God’s amazing creation that are revealed in springtime.

    Last Sunday afternoon, when some of us gathered over Zoom, we were talking about what we had seen recently in the world around us that reminded us of God. Some of the things we recounted were colourful birds like orioles and finches; a horse with a newborn foal out in the field, flowers in our gardens; a pair of mallard ducks; the fresh green grass. You can make your own list of what You have seen and heard in recent days that has reminded you of God.

    This is important to do because there are also things that we hear and see that trouble us. We will need to remember when listening to the news and feeling anxious about all that going on in the world around us that there remains the Good News of Jesus who came to be “God With Us.”

    The opening verses of I John 1 are testimony of someone who had heard and seen the good news that Jesus came to reveal. These are the compelling words of John, one of Jesus’ disciples. He had been right there when Jesus the Messiah was living among them. John wants to ensure that people are reminded of God and drawn to the truth of God by what those who knew Jesus had heard and seen.

    We can hear many disputing reports over almost anything. It is always necessary to weigh things out for ourselves, if we are going to accurately determine what is true.

    John wants to help to reveal a true and accurate account of God and Jesus who was sent into our world to display God for us.

    Only a short time after Jesus had been raised back to life and had returned to His Father God in heaven, there was misunderstanding about who Jesus is. John writes to set the record straight. He writes these words about what he has heard and seen of Jesus because he wants His joy in knowing Jesus to be made complete by others knowing Jesus, God’s Son as well.

    John maintains in I John 1 Jesus has always existed; “That which was from the beginning.” This is consistent with Jesus’ claim about Himself that He and the Father are One. (John 10:30)

    John goes on to emphasize that He, along with the other disciples heard Jesus, saw Jesus with their own eyes, looked at and touched Jesus. (I John 1:1)

    All of this evidence has resulted in the conclusion that John has come to that Jesus is none other than the promised Messiah.

    John’s description of Jesus as“the Word of life” highlights the purpose for which Jesus came. Jesus has eternal life (I John 1:2) and came to give life, eternal life. Other figures in history and in our present time are known for what they have taken. Jesus by contrast, came to give. Ultimately He came to give Himself for us. This is what secures for us this priceless gift of eternal life.

    John is eager to proclaim what they have seen and heard because He wants others to know the truth of who Jesus is and to receive what He has to offer. (vs. 3)

    When we have experienced something wonderful, we want others to hear and to see it too. This is why we share beautiful music or stunning photographs or we urge people to go and see an amazing sight for themselves. We are never intended to keep this good news of Jesus that we have heard and seen and experienced to ourselves.

    John excitedly writes, “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us.” (vs. 3) In other words, “we want you to experience this along with us.”(vs. 3, The Message).

    This Good News is too good to keep to himself.

    John has discovered that it is possible to know both God the Father and His Son Jesus and to have relationship (communion) with them.

    His joy will be incomplete until others discover this same truth too.

    You and I need to consider today what God has shown us as we have been listening for Him. What have we heard and seen of God through His Son Jesus?
    If we too are convinced that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life then our joy cannot be complete either until others also discover Jesus for Who He is.

    We’re always reviewing what we have heard and seen, what we have experienced aren’t we?

    Are you like me, going over conversations and impressions after you have talked with or been with other people. Sometimes I’ll think: “I wonder what she meant by that”? or “I found that a helpful insight and I want to ponder that some more.”
    What we hear and see keeps on inspiring us in our quest for truth and for meaning in life.

    What have You heard and seen of God recently?

    Jesus, God’s Son invites us every day to continue to seek truth and to find truth in knowing Him more and knowing more of God Who sent him. This brings inexpressible joy and that joy only grows as others also hear and see and come to know this Jesus for Who he is in a personal way!

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