When I was trying to choose some fall garden mums for our front porch at the Garden Centre, I seemed to take a very long time to select. There were various shades of colour and different sized pots. Selection was a challenge. There are times in our everyday conversations that we are not sure […] How lovely to hold a tiny baby. I so enjoyed this at the baby shower we hosted for my new little great niece last weekend. When we hold a newborn baby, there is so much promise. We can think of the fresh beginning of this wee person’s life. There is something about holding a […] PSALM 84 1How lovely is Your dwelling place, Lord Almighty!2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord;my heart and my flesh cry out for the Living God.3 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—a place near Your […] I wonder how aware we are of what is making those around us happy or sad. We make a point of wishing people, “Happy Birthday”; or congratulating a family on the arrival of a new baby; or wishing people well who are starting a new school adventure or a new job position. We find […] As we recognize this approaching back to school time of the year, there are many ways that we can pray for and support in our prayers those who will be learning and those who will be part of a learning environment. God gives us lifelong opportunities to be learning. It is wise to understand […] You won’t be surprised that my head is currently full of lessons learned while hiking the Bruce Trail. There are places on the Bruce Trail where there are big hills to climb. Whether there is an actual hill to climb or a circumstance in our lives that seems as daunting as climbing a mountain, […] |
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