As my daughter Geneva and I are making plans to complete hiking the last part of the Peninsula Section of the 911 km Bruce Trail, August 7-15th, there are several considerations. We need to ensure that the distance we are intending to travel each day is reasonable. The camping supplies that we take with […] While we have been hiking on the Bruce Trail, I have been so grateful for cool breezes. Sometimes the up and down terrain on a hot summer’s day can seem quite daunting. A cool breeze makes such a difference. It refreshes and makes the journey seem possible. The interesting thing is that the climbing […] With all the new homes being built around us, we can regularly see and be reminded how a house is constructed. We can witness the foundation being laid and the walls being raised and all the other aspects of a dwelling that make it a secure structure. If there is not careful attention given […] I think of all the effort that went into the Canada Day celebrations in Springford. There was a team of people who worked hard to bring this together. Often we are not aware of everyone who has given time and supported in various ways what we are then able to experience and enjoy. On […] |
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