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  • Wed Prayer Together – Feb 3/21

    An activity that I have really enjoyed during this pandemic, when several things have not been possible, has been hiking the Bruce Trail with our oldest daughter Geneva. It is good to appreciate God’s creation and to have fresh air, exercise, and time together. Recently, we did a trek that was longer than usual. At various points, we wondered if we would be able to make it to our intended destination with the time we had to spend that day. We were also aware that some of the slopes and climbing up and over and around was demanding. Beautiful in the snow, but demanding. I admit that my description of our experience was a bit dramatic because I took to calling it “a journey of a thousand uncertainties.” At some points, we would say with optimism, “Oh yes, I think we’ll get there today.” At other times we were quite sure that we could not complete what we had set out to do. Well, I see definite parallels between our Bruce Trail hikes with all the unknowns of what lies ahead and how far we will get towards completing our journey for that day and life, as we currently know it. It is accurate to refer to our lives these days as “journeys of a thousand uncertainties.” We’re not sure if we will have the stamina required to stay the course. Sometimes we feel quite hopeful that we will get beyond where we are right now and other times we wonder if that will ever happen. On the trail, I find it helpful to focus on where we are at the moment and to appreciate what is around us. If our attention slips to consider how hard it has been behind us or how hard it might be ahead then we could easily become discouraged. Here I find the words of Jesus a significant source of reassurance. Jesus says, “…surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b) I may not know the specifics of the challenges that you are facing day to day but God does. Jesus knows the realities of our “journeys of a thousand uncertainties” and He promises to remain with us always to the very end. Our certain knowledge of having Jesus faithfully accompany us every step of the way can inspire us as we pray and ask God to sustain us and to help us to get to where He intends. There is a quotation that rings true to what we are talking about here: “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” When we have faith, we have learned what it is to pray and to trust God. For someone who does not have faith and the experience of God’s provision, all that person can see is the myriad of uncertainties. Without faith, no explanation is possible of what it means to believe that Jesus will keep His promise to be with us always. Please plan to join for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER today, February 3rd at 1 pm. As we pray, God can remind us that He is with us always, every step of the way!

    Our God of everlasting love and mercy, we want to turn our attention to You and we want to listen for You. Now is a time for us to admit how much we need to receive the truth of Your assurance that You are with us always. We have found ourselves facing times that have felt to us like a “journey of a thousand uncertainties.” We have wanted to remain strong and hopeful. Sometimes we find ourselves wondering how much longer this will go on and if we will have the resources required to endure all that comes our way. When we have felt like an end is in sight to this pandemic, that has been promising. The delay in the delivery of vaccines has us wondering what will be the ongoing duration of restrictions and special measures. The identification of new variants is troubling. Even as many children are returning to school, we are uncertain about how that will go. In our uncertainties, please open our eyes widely to see that Jesus is keeping His promise of being with us always. This is a certain promise and we crave what we can depend on. We have learned that we can depend on Jesus. Thank you for all the times we have needed Jesus before and thank You that He has always been with us. Thank you God that for all the times we will need Jesus in days to come, He will be with us always. If all we do in praying for others and ourselves is to stare at what we think is impossible, we will miss what You have designed for us. Thank You God that with faith no explanation is necessary because we can know that all the credit for hope filled answers goes to You. We continue to lift up every need to You in prayer. Right now we choose to let You take care of what we bring to You. Thank You that the people we pray for are known to You by name and You love them with Your extreme and lifechanging love. God, please continue your work of creating and recreating in our world. We look to you to create opportunities for blessing out of what may appear to us as only obstacles. Thank you for the beauty of Your creation and every intricate detail. Thank you God that even as no two snowflakes are exactly the same, no two people are exactly the same. You know us as individuals and You know what makes some parts of this journey of life especially uncertain and hard for us. We want to renew our faith in You again today. We want to commit ourselves and the trail ahead to You. Only You can help us to find our way and to be given the strength to reach Your destination for us. Allow us to see clearly that You are with us always and please allow us to hold out this promise to others who need to know that they are not alone either. Remain with us and sustain us we pray, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. AMEN.

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