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  • Wed Prayer Together – Sept 22, 2021

    How do you understand and experience the Scripture from Psalm 119:105, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” As followers of Jesus, we are wanting to live to please Him and we are constantly looking for His direction. I do not know all the things that you are praying over and looking for God’s Presence and direction in right now. I don’t know, but God does. Be assuredthat God does hear and respond to every prayer. This Scripture reminds us of the testimony that God is available to guide us through His Word. He provides a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Without God lighting or illumining our way, we would be stumbling around in the darkness. I did read something recently that reminded me that it must be God’s way that I am seeking. What I read was this, “God’s way is impossible to see at times when we are looking and wishing for something else.” So we ask, God, am I truly wanting You and Your Word to guide my steps? If I keep insisting on wanting things to work out in my time and in my way then I will not be able to see God’s way. Prayer can shine God’s light and permit us to see what God is urging us to see. Prayer can also bring us to a place of welcoming and wanting God’s way and not ours. We will be praying this week for God to bring light and understanding to us so that the steps we choose really will be led by Him. Please plan to join us for our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER tomorrow September 22nd at 1 pm.

    Praying for the willingness to surrender our way and to accept God’s way, Pastor Lola

    Our Wise God, we come to You now and affirm Your wisdom. We do want You to provide light for our path. We say that, but then we find ourselves resisting You and Your plans for us. We are reminded that we will not be able to discern Your way if we are looking and wishing for something else. Our prayer today is that we will surrender to Your way. God, as we are confident of your love for us, we find that we can trust Your way. When we are waiting to see how Your way will unfold, please guard us against giving up on You. Sometimes we expect You to resolve our concerns in specific ways and we admit that we struggle to understand what You are doing. Please confirm our faith in You and our desire to be led by You. In the world around us, there are many causes for uncertainty. You have guided us through the darkness before God and so we look to You and expect you to light our path again. Our God, we do pray for our recently elected leaders that they will be challenged to crave Your wisdom to guide them. We also want Your wisdom to guide us. We pray for all of us trying to move forward in the midst of this ongoing pandemic. We pray against resentment and frustration. Please help us to bring our honest reactions to You and to allow You to be bringing to light who we are and how we are. Where there are attitudes and responses in us that You desire to change, we pray for your divine process to bring that about. Our God, in these times we pray for empathy to grow in us. Please give us hearts that want to understand  other people. Instead of retreating to places of comfort and security, please make us willing for You to lead us where You want us to go. God, when we do not understand Your will and Your way, we pray that we will still be determined to walk in it. Forgive us for making excuses and delaying walking in the path that you are lighting for us. Please remind us that every day is another opportunity to choose to obey you and your Word for us. May our commitment to You draw others to the light of your holy Presence and redirect the path of anyone trying to walk without You and Your light to guide. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

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