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  • Sunday Service – April 23, 2023

    Luke 24:36-48

    36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus Himself stood among them and said to them, Peace be with you.”

    37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost.38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

    40 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and feet.41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, He asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”42 They gave Him a piece of broiled fish,43 and He took it and ate it in their presence.

    44 He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”

    45 Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.46 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.48 You are witnesses of these things.”

    Luke 24:36-48 PEACE REMAINING
    Springford Baptist Church: April 23, 2023.

    Jesus Himself stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”’

    When have you needed Jesus to come and speak His peace to you this past week?

    We’ll go this morning in our thoughts to the place where Jesus’ followers were gathered. Together we will consider the state they were in and how Jesus stepping into their midst to bring His peace could change their whole outlook.

    Notice with me as we go to the place where Jesus’ followers were assembled on the first day of the week that they are talking rapidly among themselves. They are trying to understand what to make of the reports that Jesus has been raised from the dead. Two individuals have just returned from Emmaus and are excitedly reporting that Jesus walked with them on the road and that when He broke bread with them they recognized that it really was Jesus. Then He disappeared from their sight.

    For some this just seems “too good to be true.”

    We know what that feels like when the outcome we hoped for happens and we can hardly believe that it is possible. That is when God seems so near and our faith feels so strong.

    In this same room, we can notice that there are those who are still overcome with the grief of Jesus’ recent horrific death and they have not yet witnessed for themselves that Jesus is alive.

    They are dwelling in a place of despair. We know how that feels too don’t we? There is a longing for peace, but we cannot imagine it with the heaviness of what we are carrying. Those are the times when we wonder how we will keep on putting one foot in front of the other and where we will find strength to face another day.

    We can see hope and expectation on the faces of some around us in the room. We can also see those who are remaining silent and although they do not speak, it is apparent that they are gripped by their anxious thoughts. They really do want to believe that Jesus has overcome death, but what are they to make of all this?

    With some talking and some listening intently, suddenly all goes quiet. Why? Because Jesus has entered the room. He has come and stood among them and every one of them can see Him. Everyone gathered there can hear His words when He says, “Peace be with you.” (Luke 24:36)

    As you are witnessing these things, notice that your heart is beating faster too. You are conscious of trying to catch your breath while at the same time your mind is racing. Could this really be Jesus? How do I explain this? How do I make sense of this?

    Scripture tells us what the initial response was when Jesus came and stood among them:
    37 “
    They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost.” (Luke 24:37)

    Jesus knows their thoughts as, He knows our thoughts:38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” (Luke 24:37)

    When Jesus comes and offers His peace, there are times that doubt takes over. There are times that the voices of our troubled thoughts are so loud that we can barely hear Jesus.
    Do you notice with me that Jesus understands this? He offers His disciples what they need in order to believe and to receive His peace. They can look at His hands and feet and see the nail marks from when He hung on the cross. They can touch Him if that is what is necessary in order to believe.

    What is necessary in order for You to believe that Jesus is real and with you and ready to offer you His peace?

    Further gazing around the room indicates that there are those here who now think they must be dreaming. They are caught between joy and amazement. Can this really be happening?

    Jesus has an answer for this disbelief. He asks for something to eat. (Luke 24:41) We can see along with the disciples that Jesus takes the piece of broiled fish He is given and eats it.

    This confirms that this really is happening right in front of our eyes! This really is Jesus brought back to life again.

    While so many other questions are forming in our minds, Jesus opens our minds to understand as He explains from Scripture:

    This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.48 You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:46b-48)

    How astounding for those in the room who were witnesses of God’s unfolding plans displayed through Jesus His Son. We can clearly see that when their minds are opened to understand the Scriptures, that peace settles over them. They have witnessed the miracle of Jesus restored to life and in this incredible event their lives are restored. These same individuals who witnessed Jesus our resurrected Lord did share this miraculous truth they witnessed. And now we today who have experienced the reality of Jesus with us are also witnesses.

    We receive this testimony of what happened when Jesus came and stood among them. We also receive the same peace that Jesus offered to His first followers.

    This is peace that only Jesus can give. It is a lasting peace that can remain with us because Jesus remains with us.

    There will be times when circumstances in our lives will threaten that peace. Complicated situations in our families, illness and grief could leave us searching for Jesus and longing for the assurance of His Presence and peace.

    Jesus is willing and available to come and be with us and to say to us, “Peace be with you.”

    And peace will be with us because Jesus is with us and promises to stay, to remain with us always.

    This gift of peace given by Jesus our risen Lord cannot be overcome or taken away by even the most desperate of circumstances.

    When we have experienced this peace, we long to have this peace guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus always.

    In wanting to become more like Jesus, we can pray for the peace of His Presence to surround us.

    How do you need Jesus to come and to speak His abiding peace to you right now?

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