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  • Wednesday Prayer Together – April 19, 2023

    While we were really enjoying the warmer temperatures and lovely spring breezes just recently, did you notice something? Many of us in the same breath as we were being grateful for the pleasant days, were speaking of it not lasting. We were anticipating a return to colder days and even the possibility of snow again. When we are experiencing good things, sometimes the anticipation of the less desirable things to come can rob us of “at this moment” gratitude. If we bring this kind of attitude and outlook to our prayer life, it will mean that we miss the awareness of and appreciation for God’s blessings because we are already expecting that what is good now will not continue. I am reflecting that we can choose to enter into an “at this moment” kind of thankfulness to God. We are not guaranteed that what we now find satisfaction and pleasure in will be sustained, but we can know for certain that God does keep bringing blessings into our lives that we will have reason for which to thank Him. In Psalm 107:1 we read, “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.” While our preferences for weather or for good things we hope for do not endure, the love of the LORD our God does endure and gives us reason to thank Him. Our gift of “at this moment’ gratitude will be the focus of our WEDNESDAY PRAYER TOGETHER  tomorrow April 19th at 1 pm. We can choose to thank God for what is good in our lives right now and we can choose to trust Him with what is to come.

    Thanking God for what is good right now, Pastor Lola

    Our LORD, we do thank You because You are good and Your love does endure forever. Thank You God for the constancy of Your love whatever is happening in our lives. We do not want genuine gratitude in our hearts directed towards You to be on hold because we are waiting for the next thing to go wrong. We do now review in our minds reasons we have to give You thanks at this moment. Thank You God that when we are faced with the hard experiences of life that still Your love endures forever. Thank You God for the health we currently have. Thank You for the ways we are able to live our day to day lives and to find renewed strength for each new day. Thank You for those who care for and support us in wanting to be well. Thank You God for our families and what they mean to us. Thank You that we can figure out life together even when we do not agree about everything. Thank You for meaning and purpose you give to our lives in caring beyond ourselves. Thank You for ways that our compassion and concern can bless others. Thank you for the comfort and shelter of where we live. Thank You that while we are grateful to live in peace here in Canada, we can pray for those who do not live in peace. Thank You for wisdom gained as we grow older. Thank You God for friends who make our days brighter. Thank You for lessons in trusting You. Loving God, we thank You for fresh mercy from You for each new day. Thank You for evidence that You are with us always. Thank You that our faith in You can grow ever deeper and stronger. Thank You for helping us to find things that have been lost. Thank you for courage from You for challenges we face. Thank You that as we are willing, we keep having life lessons to learn and that You are our Teacher. Thank You God that when we are focused on gratitude to You at this moment that at this moment we can be content. And God we thank You for all our prayers You have answered before. Thank You for Your care for those whom we are concerned about. Thank You that prayers we have not yet seen answered are not forgotten by You. Thank You for the solutions You have for what we have not yet figured out. Thank You God that when there is change in our lives, You do not change. Thank you that endings can bring new beginnings. Thank You God for conversations that are meaningful. Thank You for ways that You arrange for us to know each other more and to understand each other more. Thank You God that each new day is a blank canvas that You are willing to paint for us. Thank You for this gift of prayer that permits us to bring everything to You. Thank You that when we lose sight of You, You do not lose sight of us. Thank You for all the other reasons for at this moment gratitude directed towards you that we have not even mentioned. Thank You that You are worthy of all our praise and thankfulness. LORD, Your love does endure forever and we will always be thankful for this truth that we have discovered. We rest in Your enduring love and pray that through us others will also discover this gift of You and Your enduring love. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

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